Gineral® gin Classic je večkrat državno in mednarodno nagrajen Kozjanski gin. Gre za zvrst London dry, kar pomeni, da mu po destilaciji ne dodajamo nobenih dodatkov razen vode. Zaradi visoke stopnje naravnih arom in olj, ki se izločijo med fazo maceracije plodov, cvetov in začimb, je gin primeren za samostojno uživanje kot aperitiv ali digestiv.
Izberite svoj odtenek užitka: Klasično ali Darilno pakiranje?
The story of Gineral began as a hobby production of gin in a 10 L small original Al-Ambiq in the living room during the Covid crisis. Since the product was highly praised by friends and acquaintances, we sent it for professional evaluation and already received a bronze medal. This gave us a big boost and in the summer of 2021 we registered the company and started more serious work on quality improvement and promotion in the field.
We checked the quality on the fly, with each change, at national and international competitions. We took into account every professional criticism, read professional literature and built the final recipe. This today consists of corn spirit as a base and 10 carefully selected herbs, fruits and flowers. Already in 2022, we have set ourselves the goal of developing 3 new products from the original version of Gineral® gin Classic. And indeed, we have successfully developed and launched Gineral® gin Gold, Gineral® gin Blue-Purple and the Hot gin and SauviGin packages.
Veseli in ponosni smo, da so nas predstavili tudi v lokalnih in državnih medijih
Mnenja zadovoljnih strank
Amazing gin from mostly local ingredients. Charismatic distillers have created a fantastic tasting jewel in their garage. Recommended!
Najboljši gin kar smo ga kdaj poskusili! Odličen okus in zanimive barve, ki res navdušijo.
Najbolji Gin ne samo u Sloveniji, i daleko šire….gdje got putujem nosim da svi probaju i svi su oduševljeni…💕💕💕💕
Proizvodnja žganih pijač, posredništvo in svetovanje, Tadeja Volaušek s.p.
Kozje 100, Kozje, 3260 Kozje
[email protected]
Registration number: 8922004000
Tax number: 78120977
Bank account: SI56 6100 0002 6386 384
Copyright © 2024 gineral. Vse pravice pridržane